Sunday, October 26, 2008

Would T-Rex win a Dino-race?

T-Rex would not win a race against other dinosaurs.

In a race against other 'quick' dinosaurs the T-Rex wouldn't even finish in the Top 10. In fact, if there were heats in the Din-Olympics the T-Rex would be on one of the first planes home, not even winning its heat!

The quickest dinosaurs were:
1. Struthiominus 80 km/hr
2. Ornithomimus 70 km/hr
3. Dromiceiomimus 65km/hr
4. Velociraptor 60km/hr
5. Edmontosaurus 50km/hr
5. Thescelosaurus 50 km/hr
7. Gallimimus 48 km/hr
8. Albertosaurus 40 km/hr

Okay, okay...but how quick are we ? More importantly ... how quick are you?

It is time to find out...

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